‘Beauty and the Beast:’ West Fargo and Sheyenne collaborate

Logan Ahern, Photographer and Chelsey Cressman, Writer, Assistant Editor and Feature Editor

Since the split between West Fargo High and Sheyenne High School, students of both schools have had a natural rivalry in the sports world. In the student section at football and basketball games the students are known to be the loudest when facing each other.
The theater departments, however, have decided to join forces and put on the musical production, “The Beauty and the Beast”. Forty seven cast members are leaving all competition aspects behind them and moving forward to put on this year’s musical.
“After the split happened between schools, there was a lot of competition,” Sheyenne sophomore Morgan Gast said. “But once the show started, it all went away because we are all friends here and we don’t have to outdo each other in any way.”
The director of the musical is former West Fargo theater director, Adam Pankow, who is now be the director at Sheyenne full time. Pankow has help from both his assistant Lucas Rutten and the new West Fargo theater director Darcy Bakkegard.
“I think both schools get to learn stuff from each other, especially Sheyenne students because they do not have any seniors,” Pankow said. “With West Fargo students, they get to experience a new stage and it gives them more of an opportunity to learn some new things. It is a win-win for both schools.”
Bakkegard is working with major ensemble numbers and helping with the music.
“I think it is a good reminder that even though the district has two separate high schools who could potentially become big rivals, that ultimately they are all from West Fargo,” Bakkegard said. “They are all friends; they all have the same interests and for them to all come to together leaving all competition behind is a cool way to remind everyone.”
The musical is different this year in which for the first time for West Fargo, students are flying and the customs are unique to help set the mode for the musical itself. The dates for the musical are Feb. 13-15, and 20-22.
“It’s a big musical. The show and the story need certain elements to bring it to life,” Bakkegard said. “It is expensive and we had to get permission from the school board to let students fly and for the students who are flying, their parents will be holding the ropes.”
Students who have been participating in theater for their entire high school career, like senior Soren Swanson, are happy they can teach new freshmen how to become a professional in theater.
“Before the Mustangs go on their own, having seniors around gives them an idea of how to do things, and bring in the things they learn to their own theater,” Swanson said. “There is no competition between the theaters and we are just family here.”
Theater students like Gast were also glad they did not have to say goodbye just yet to the friends they have made throughout the years.
“I’m sad we won’t do this next year and also its really hard to split since this is Sheyenne’s first year having a theater department,” Gast said. “Right now I’m just glad I can still work with all the people I worked with last year who become my close friends.”